" Savag" Hebrew Word Disccovery!
Mar 31, 2022Blog Hebrew word discovery
When you fall in love with the author of the Scriptures of truth you will discover there is never enough time to spend with him learning his secrets.
One of the keys to discovering the deep meaning of a Hebrew word is to put it in the emotional context of the culture. Hebrew has been called the language of poetry and pictures.
I just discovered that classical Hebrew only has 7500 words, and that modern Hebrew has a quarter of 1 million words. I am learning to look at the context of the word used the culture of the day and idioms of the time. This approach to studying Hebrew words is opening a whole new world of understanding for me that I want to share with all of you. I hope you will share in the comments your understanding of the meaning of these words and scriptures too.
I want to look be on the common usages an application of words to discover a secondary and optional meaning to explore the origin of the word and combine that with the context in which it was used and see what the deeper spiritual meaning I might find.
I want to discover more about you who is love you may have figured out by now that I am deeply committed to the weight of an awesome and walk my life guided by these ways however my deep desire is to know the death of you who is love. Impossible in this life maybe but an amazing path to explore.
So, with that understanding I am going to share some of what I am discovering I hope you will enjoy this path these blogs will be found with the tag word Hebrew word discovery. Let’s discover our first word in Psalm 9:9
Tehillim (Psalms) 9:9
And Yahuah is a refuge for the crushed one, a refuge in times of distress.
The word for refuge in this scripture is: Sagav
King David wrote this. King David was a well-protected person and a fierce warrior. He understood protection and what it meant.
In this verse he sees Yahuah as the “Sagav” of the oppressed and troubled. He is describing Yahuah’s protect as so much more than what man can do.
The type of protection or sheltering David is describing here with this word is one the surrounds and protects but also Yahuah lifting us up and carrying us away from the situation. Allowing us to see the situation from a higher level so that we see Yahuah’s view of the situation. We are able to see it as we are surrounded by the peace of Yahuah.
Yahuah makes us inaccessible to the storms. Yahuah is a refuge from those who seek to crush us or to hold us down and bound up in fear.
Yahuah takes us to new heights where the storms of life cannot reach us.
Now when you read this verse it can bring you comfort to know that when you call on Yahuah to help you in time of being crushed or oppressed and distress or troubled, Yahuah is willing and able to take you to a place of ultimate safety where these things will not affect you.
Yahuah did this for me when my husband was at death’s door in Brazil. Without Yahuah’s “sagav” I am not sure how I would have made it through that time. Yahuah’s “sagav” is real and it is available to you as His child. Call on Yahuah for “safav” in your time of need. Like me, you may experience the peace in a situation but not realize exactly what Yahuah was extending to you. You may have wondered how I can be so at peace in this terrible situation. Now you know what happened and how Yahuah loved you through that situation and if you have not been there now that you know you can ask Yahuah for this kind of refuge.
Live Life for Yahusha’s Joy
Study Source: Hebrew Word Study, Chaim Bentorah
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